EZ Caps

Full Version: Re: [E-Z-Caps] Re: Filter and Recipes
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Try a plastic screen as i had suggested, like the kind of screen you use for a screened in poarch. You can probably find it anywhere at any hardware store. I reccomend using that combined with a funnel so you have a larger area to pour into.kvn_grss wrote: --- In E-Z-Caps@yahoogroups.com, ""BJ"" wrote: > > I am new to using EZCaps and have just started my first batch of > hard cider. I have about 3-4 days of fermenting left and can't wait > to see the end result. > > I have noticed a sediment on the bottom of the bottle and read in > the instructions to carefully pour the clarfied beverage out to > avoid getting any sediment into the final product. Does anyone know > of anything I can use as a fliter to catch any sediment that might > make its way out when pouring? > > Also, does anyone have any good recipes I can try? I am looking for > anything from wine to beer to ciders. Thanks. My cider has been in the fridge for almost 1 week and is still quite cluody. I have transfered it to another bottle to see if this helps after a few more days. I tried a coffee filter, it just foams up, it would take hours to run a bottle through.Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.ORGINAL POSTER: dan