EZ Caps

Full Version: Re: [E-Z-Caps] apple juice
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I have.Hard apple juice in and of itself is a very bitterdrink, adding sugar helps, just do it very slowly. (Ihad the misfortune of having it explode like a modelvolcano). Leaving for about a week-week and half willgive it a fully body flavor, but for 10% stick toabout a week. If its not to taste, let the carbonationout a bit and add some sugar. Best of luck.~Chris--- jtah86 wrote:>> I used Mott's Apple Juice about 4 days go..and i> just re-tested it> and it says i have an alcohol content of about 2.73> (this was> calculated from the s.g before and what it is now).> I want to make> this drink pretty strong but maintaining a good> taste. Im hoping to> get it aroud 10 percent. Has anyone achieved a real> good hard apple> juice using the e-z caps?>> thanks>> -oh yeah, i added 1 cup of sugar to the juice 4 days> ago>>>>__________________________________Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more.http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250ORGINAL POSTER: chris