EZ Caps

Full Version: Re: [E-Z-Caps] Wonder Wine
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>I received a cherry wonder wine kit the same day as my EZ caps. Has>anyone experimeted with them? Looked like a package of Kool-aid to me>so I'm not getting my hopes up too much. I did ad some welches>concentrate for nutrients because I just can't see that stuff>fermenting well on it's own.>The EZ caps yeast says it ferments much faster than the wonder wine>says it does and much faster than any wine I've made in the past...is>the EZ caps yeast some sort of fast-reacting yeast? and could it be>used just as well in a traditional wine making setup or is it designed>specifically for small batches fermented quickly?The wonder wine kits aren't bad for what they are. They come intwo varieties. One is a box with the yeast packet separate (and aclarifier). The other is just an envelope. I never got the envelope styleto work. The thing to remember with the wonder wine kits is that theydon't have an oak flavoring to them, so the red and white varieties taste alittle technicolor. The fruit varieties are best. But using real juiceand EZ Caps is better.The EZ Caps yeast is better than the type included with the wonderwine kits. It can be used to make either 1/2 a gallon or several hundredgallons.ORGINAL POSTER: steve