EZ Caps

Full Version: Re-capping Beer
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I made some beer following the recipe that I listed in this message:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/E-Z-Caps/message/669I have let it ferment and age for about two weeks total. I was wondering what would happen if I now changed the e-zcap to a regular bottle cap since I am fairly certain that all of the fermenting is complete. Would I lose the carbonation? If I rebettled it would I need to add priming sugar? I am only asking because I am pretty sure the yeast will no longer be working since it had a 4% initial potential alcohol reading and this should have been met after about one week. ThanksAlso, the peach-grape champagne came out great after about a week of fermenting it had 9.5% alcohol and tasted great!ORGINAL POSTER: eezzcap