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[E-Z-Caps] Re: Two Liter Bottles - Printable Version

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[E-Z-Caps] Re: Two Liter Bottles - yahoo - 11-24-2004

On 11/24/04 10:16 AM, "xray4545" wrote:>>> Hello,> Actually it would be just as cheap to buy the off brand cheaper> soda and dump the soda out. I can get 2 liters of soda here for .50> cents each. Search on the net for plastic bottles and see what you> come up with. I have searched for other bottles and know they can be> expensive. Thus the buying soda and emptying it out.> Just my two cents. I will look through my sources and if I can> find a source I'll post it here.> Ray W.Thanks for your help, Ray and Steve. I've googled until I can google nomore, but haven't found any new 2 liters to buy, so if you have a source,please let me know. If I lived in a place with some room to store them, Ithink I'd go ahead and purchase a big lot from wherever and peddle thesurplus to other brewers on Ebay. Smile E-Z Cappers aren't the only ones whouse them, I'm surprised there isn't at least one brewing supply storeselling them on the Web by now.I might try the recycle bins and see what I can find, since you can't beat"free", although I'm sure cleaning them will take up some time. If I canfind some very cheap soda I'll try that, too, but so far I haven't found anydiscounted that much. A dollar a bottle is what I normally pay for one 2liter, which is still a pretty good deal in terms of making alcohol, but Iguess I've gotten so spoiled on cheap wines and meads that I want to producemy soda cheaper than retail, too. SmileI found a lot of gallon jugs (which is roughly equivalent to 2 liters) forsale on various sites like ebottles, etc., some of them even cheaper thanwhat I pay for 2 liter soda bottles (not to mention they're a little morereusable, so that drives the cost down a bit more), but unfortunately Icouldn't find any with a 30mm cap size. The few bottles I did find with thatcap size were 1 liter or smaller, which seems a little unpractical forbrewing. I'd certainly need to buy a lot more E-Z Caps, anyway. Wink Is thereany chance the E-Z Caps might come in a 38mm size? A lot of commercial juicebottles, for instance, have those larger size caps, as do water and milkjugs, etc. It seems like there'd be a lot more options in terms of brewingvessels with the larger size cap, since as far as I can tell, the 2 litersoda bottles and their immediate cousins are the only ones with that sizecap, and they're obviously not available new to hobbyists.AmberORGINAL POSTER: amber