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Re: Hopped Malt Extract - Printable Version

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Re: Hopped Malt Extract - yahoo - 04-13-2008

--- "Willum" wrote:>> I havent donr it , but I've HEARD that the ale yeast for such a> beverage in very , very active. Be prepared to clean up some spillage> if you didn't leave enough headspace for the froth...>> --- In E-Z-Caps@yahoogroups.com, "recchiap" wrote:> >> > So what products/types of extract have been tried by everyone? I have> > found both hopped and unhopped malt extract. I'm going to try some> > Cooper's hopped extract. Does anyone have any tips?> >> > Also, should I spend the money buying the corn sugar that is> > recommended? It seems like a sound purchase, and if it makes the> > process work better, then I'm all for it.> >> > Any experiences or stories you would like to share would be greatly> > appreciated.> >>Ok, I have finished this experience, and it was a GREAT one.I used Cooper's Hopped Malt Extract - Lager. It's a good mix, Ienjoyed it.1. I dipped the syrup in hot water to loosen it up. While it was doingthis I sanitized everything I was going to be using (except the 4sealed gallon jugs of water.2. I mixed the syrup with 2 liters of hot water, and stirred it up. Ithen poured half of the mix into an empty (clean) one gallon jug.3. I added half the sugar to each half of the mixed syrup. I stirredit up until it was fully mixed up.4. I divided 23 liters into all the containers I was using, and usingthat fraction, I added the same fraction of the gallon of wort to themixture, then filled it up with water. I then shook it all up.5. I mixed the yeast I had with the pack with 23 oz. of water, thenput one oz of the mix for each liter of liquid.6. For those containers which I did not use e-z-caps for, I put aballoon on top with a few pinholes poked in them. This acts as aghetto air lock.7. Let it ferment for 1 - 1 1/2 weeks, then bottle the e-z-cappedbeverages. For the others, it still needs to be carbonated, so I addedsugar to some 2 liters, then siphoned the non-carbonated beer intothere, shook it up, and capped it for about another week.8. I really enjoyed this mix, it was very hoppy, which is something Ilike. Would go GREAT with a pizza.If you have any questions, let me know.BTW, I did all of this work without a stove. I did this in a dormroom, and did not make a very big mess. Also, it is GREAT beer. Enjoy it!ORGINAL POSTER: recchiap