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Ginger Apple Spice Wine
This is my first recipe. I also am trying a pomegranate apple cider(ask if you want the recipe for that though it's essentially the sameas another cider recipe but with half sugar/ half honey).Ginger Apple Spice Wine4 cups waterapple juice1.5 cups ginger2 T lemon zest1 pinch American saffron½ t cinnamon½ t clove powder½ t nutmeg¼ t lemon juice2 cups sugar1/8 tsp EZ cap yeastDirections: peel ginger (duh!); cut ginger into medallions then choplengthwise 2-3 times (`til you have strips that are just large enoughnot to go down your funnel when you need to pour the mix into yoursoda bottle); toss ginger strips into the 4 cups boiling water in apot on the stove; turn heat down to medium; add lemon zest, saffron,cinnamon, clove, nutmeg; simmer for 40 minutes; add lemon juice and ½of your sugar (1 cup); stir vigorously and remove from heat; stirmixture every few minutes for about 15 minutes when it is still warmbut you aren't worried about your plastic soda bottle melting; pourOTHER half of sugar (1 cup) into soda bottle; strain mixture on stoveand pour mixture into soda bottle; Shake it up until very little sugarmixture left at bottom of bottle when you turn it over and look. Addyeast, turn over bottle several times to disperse yeast. Put on EZcap. Wait impatiently.This stuff smells really good and tastes nice, too. I think it's agood mixture. If it ends up being terrible, I'm blaming myinexperience as a master of fermentation. haha.Thanks!DesmondORGINAL POSTER: underground

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