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great tasting mead recipe
at the end of this process I let it set another 3 days (Total of 6)in 2 two liter bottles with the ez caps and then cleared one in thefridge. I didnt use a fementor just the caps.Tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!ON MAKING MEADby Baron Sir Riekin ap GruagachBeing a simple recipe and observations on that most ancient andcivilized of beverages, MEAD ! Here offered in hopes of leadingbenighted and ignorant savages toward the light of true humanity andbrotherhood.APPARATUS1 - 6 qt or better pot, with cover1 - 1 gal glass jug, well cleaned1 square of paper toweling and a rubber bandor 1 loosely fitting cap, or fermentation lock3 feet of 5/16" or 3/8" aquarium tubing (plastic)Enough champagne bottles or 2 liter bottles to hold 1 gal.(which can be sealed to withstand carbonation)INGREDIENTS1 packet all purpose wine yeast (do NOT use brewer's yeast or yeastfor baking bread)2 lbs. clover or orange blossom honey2 WHOLE cloves (uncrushed)2 sticks cinnamon, lightly broken1/4 tsp. sliced ginger root (do not use powdered)2 long strips of orange peel (approx. 2 tbsp.)1 gal. of the best water availablePROCEDUREBring 3 qts of water to a boil along with the spices.Simmer 15 minutes. REMOVE SPICES.Add honey, stirring vigorously (or you'll have caramel on the bottomof the pot!)Once the honey has fully dissolved, allow the water to barelysimmer. White scum will form, skim it, and continue skimming untilno more rises. Failure to do this completely will allow the yeast toact on the waxes and form turpines (which tastes like turpentine!)so make sure you get every last bit, no matter how small.Never allow the mixture to come to a full boil, or the character ofthe honey will be destroyed.Take pot off heat, cover, and leave overnight.Next morning, when the liquid has cooled to room temperature, addthe contents of 1 FULL packet of yeast. (Failure to add the entirepacket can lead to the incubation of inferior yeast strains whichwill ruin the flavor.) Cover pot again.12 to 24 hours later - you should have a wildly foaming mixture.Siphon the mixture into the previously sterilized 1 gal. glass jug.(Clorox solution is fine for this - rinse well!)Loosely screw on lid so gasses can escape, or cover with four foldedpaper towels and rubber band, or fermentation lock.Allow to ferment for 48 hours more, or until bubbling nearly ceases.Siphon the liquid off the layer of dead yeast on the bottom of thejug, so that none of the bottom layer gets into the mixture.Clean the jug carefully, replace the liquid back in the jug, top offwith clean water, reseal, and place in refrigerator overnight.Next day - Siphon into CLEAN, STERILIZED wine bottles or 2 litersoda bottles, and cap tightly.Leave in refrigerator 3 to 5 days and enjoy!WARNING: pressure will be forming in the bottles; avoid excessivehandling. Flavor will improve up to ten days, after that, you reallyneed to drink it.Note: The hangover produced by mead was considered by the Norse tobe a punishment too sublime to inflict on the frail frame of amortal. This is probably due to insufficient skimming of the "whitescum".AFTER-WORDSThese instructions produce a lightly carbonated, mildly alcoholicmetheglin (spiced mead) which was originally taught to me by DukeCariadoc in 1974, (though he doesn't remember it - Good Stuff! WinkORGINAL POSTER: stevieb172

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