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Posted by: ezcaps_phpbb3_import2 - 04-22-2020, 10:30 PM - Forum: FREE YEAST SALE - Replies (1)

For a limited time we are offering buy two, get one free yeast sale!

Please limit to 5 orders per customer per week: sale.html

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  All new users now moderated
Posted by: ezcaps_phpbb3_import2 - 08-03-2018, 03:47 AM - Forum: FREE YEAST SALE - No Replies

Sorry for the inconvenience, but to get an account to post here, please use the email form from the EZ Caps purchase site. Somebody decided to continually spam us with thousands of fake user accounts and posts and weeding through them manually is no longer possible. So we had to temporarily shut down self-sign-up new user applications to this forum.

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  how to test yeast?
Posted by: rastoma - 06-10-2018, 09:20 PM - Forum: Yeast - Replies (1)

I recently received my new pack of caps and yeast. I've had a bottle of ez caps yeast for 7+ years not refrigerated. I'm sure it's bad but just for fun I thought I'd try it and see as I lost my caps during a move and haven't made anything with ez caps in years.

Well as expected after 24 hours there was no activity with the basic Welch's canned concentrate. So I added some of the new yeast I just received with my caps. But after 24 hours there's still no activity.

Then I took 2 clean cups, added some sugar and water then sprinkled some of each, old and new yeast, in their own cups. 12 hours later they look the same.

The room the 2 liter is in is 72F. The plain water and sugar used as a test was barely warm, maybe 80F.

Since its been such a long time since I've fermented anything, am I just not waiting long enough?

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  Welches canned juice, how much water?
Posted by: rastoma - 06-10-2018, 12:45 AM - Forum: Wine - Replies (1)

It must be listed in the Yahoo archived posts but they are too difficult to follow. Is it recommended to mix the frozen concentrates per the instructions on the can or to use less water than listed?

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  No new receipes in 7 years?
Posted by: rastoma - 06-08-2018, 11:46 PM - Forum: Wine - Replies (1)

Most of these posts are from 2011. I first bought EZ caps in 2010 and didn't really branch out from the standard flavored 100% juices out there as they tasted so good I didn't need anything else. Well, I lost my caps during a move and just recently bought some more. So this is the first time I've logged into the site in almost 7 years and there's nothing new?

Maybe everything has been covered and there are no new recipes?

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  About buying our products on amazon.com
Posted by: ezcaps_phpbb3_import2 - 10-27-2016, 02:30 AM - Forum: Buying on Amazon.com - Replies (1)

Due to customer demand, our products are available on amazon.

Here is the amazon link: http://amzn.to/2fOX3Te

Amazon requires us to inform you that: This blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com

You can also buy directly from our website: http://e-z-caps.com as we manufacture the product and you can buy from us directly.

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  Add Nutrients?
Posted by: BellGinAle - 07-02-2016, 02:56 PM - Forum: Other - Replies (1)

I was wondering if I really need to add nutrients, I've been adding some raisins to mine, but I was curious if anyone has tried adding dried fruit? I have dried mangoes, but it might have preservatives in it. I don't know what that will do. :?

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  Too much carbonation
Posted by: Gguiles - 07-01-2016, 05:39 AM - Forum: Cider - Replies (3)

I've let my cider ferment for 5 days. Tastes a bit strong but I mix it with a bit of straight apple juice to bring back the sweetness. However, it has way too much carbonation. Any ideas on how to bring down the level of carbonation? If I bottle it straight from the 2 liters, it foams over when opened several weeks later. Using different juices with 3/4 cup sugar. Any suggestions?

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  How to increase carbonation?
Posted by: BellGinAle - 06-28-2016, 08:30 PM - Forum: Cider - Replies (3)

I just transferred my cider from 2 liters to 25 oz. bottles, and I tried a taste. It was fizzy, but not like soda or beer, seemed kinda half-flat. Is there some way that I can help increase carbonation better?

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  Switch Caps to Carbonate in Refridgerator?
Posted by: BellGinAle - 06-27-2016, 02:44 AM - Forum: Other - Replies (2)

Im ready to clarify my cider, if I want it carbonated, do I leave ez cap on in fridge? Will it leak carbonation through the valve? Should I replace with regular cap?

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