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Re: [E-Z-Caps] Just started my brewing..need opinions etc.
To have higher giggle juice, ferment longer, 10 days is ok.Better if you can decant the 10 day fermented one into another sanitized bottle.Leave behind the trub at the bottom, this will clear in about another week or two. Using coffee filter is fine to clear the brew.By now the fermentables should be almost exhausted, you may choose to cap with regular cap, this will cause carbonation (bottle will be rock hard). Place in fridge to stop further fermentation. (Careful here, if brew s too young and you use a regular cap, bottle may explode because of pressure build-up by CO2). Dee and Ken wrote: I made 3 batches. I made cran ras with 1/2 cup sugar and 1/8 yeast, apple cider with 1 cup sugar and 1/8 yeast, and hard ice tea with 1 cup sugar and 1/8 yeast. How does this all sound? My wife's will be the cran ras. She doesn't want it too strong. How long should I let it ferment? I want the other 2 with high alcohol content, I plan to let them sit at least 10 days. Any ideas or opinions? Also when I put them in the fridge to stop fermenting what is the safest way to stop it completely? And would be filtering the brews through a coffee filter, then putting them in a new bottle be good? If so should I put a regular cap back on or the ez cap back on? Thanks. Ken__________________________________________________Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around POSTER: patrick

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