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Re: Looking for more recipes
So the 'cocktail' mixes with all the extra additives will ferment? I thoughtall the added 'stuff' and acids would not allow the mixture to ferment.My 100% welches grape with a little welches apple juice tastes outstanding.After giving it at least a week before trying again, it came out awesome.It was pretty sweet (which I like). I used one can grape juice (frozenconcentrate) and half a can of apple juice, 1 cup sugar and yeast. It had anice 'kick' but I could have drank the whole 2 litters in a day if I did nothave self control Smile--- "K. J. Hallenius III" wrote:>> --- In, "Robin" wrote:> >> > I'm surprised there's not a ton of recipes from people here that have/areusing e-z-caps.>> Here's one that I've come up with:>> Purple Drink Hooch> 1 can frozen "Grape Juice Cocktail" (~15% juice)> ~40oz water> E-Z Cap Wine yeast>> Add all ingredients to 2-Liter bottle, shake vigorously, then let ferment for10 days to 2 weeks. Put in fridge on day 14 to clarify for 2 days. Will tasteexactly like grape soda, but with a little kick. I figure I get around 6%ABV.>> > I'm only 3 days into my first batch and so far it tastes just likecarbonated juice, not 'wine' taste or body at all. I know it's still a littleearly though.>> Wayyyyy too early to drink. A week of fermentation at 65-70deg at least, thena day in the fridge to clarify and chill down will vastly improve the taste andquality of your ciders. Face it, you're not gonna put Spire/Woodchuck/Hornsby'sout of the hard cider business, but at least you'll have something drinkable forlittle or no work!>ORGINAL POSTER: robin

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