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RE: [E-Z-Caps] Re: kool-aid?????
At 01:59 PM 12/15/2006 -0600, you wrote:>I've used kool-aid, Iced tea, lemonade, Gatorade, and even rootbeer as a>base. In all circumstances you'll still want to add some apple juice for>nutritional purposes to get the best results.>>-----Original Message----->From: [] On Behalf>Of Clifford Davis>Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:32 PM>To:>Subject: [E-Z-Caps] Re: kool-aid?????>>--- In, "robotguy666" wrote:> >> > has anbody use koolaid before? and if how do u use it?>I suspect the kool aid in tubs that contains sugar should work fine. I>am going to try it myself. I think the little packages might be more>difficult. I'd like to try gatorade with a little real fruit juice.> >>>>>>>Yahoo! Groups Links>>>>>>>>Yahoo! Groups Links>>>ORGINAL POSTER: steve

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