04-28-2009, 04:50 AM
--- CAO THANG wrote:>> Dear All,> > I am new EZ cap, I am planing to buy EZ for making the Apricot baverage 7-8%and sweaten the baverage, then store 3 months or more. BUT When I add more sugarfor sweatenness, the fermentation will countinue and LEEs occur at the bottom ofbottle, alcohol increase --> the baverage is not stable.> > Could you please help me the way how to sweaten the baverage ? >> CAO VAN THANG,> HOME PHONE: (08)39318331> CELL PHONE: 0908 825 255> EMAIL: THANG12A1MK@...>Try to transfer the beverage to another container without transfering any of theyeast and then add sugar to desired sweetness.ORGINAL POSTER: retiredron96